Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gender difference

  • Women have more depth and complexity than men
  • 80% of school discipline is done to boys. 
  • 14% of 25-34 year old men live with their parents. 8% of 25-34 year old women live with their parents (US Census Bureau).  
  • A woman spends an average of 2 years of her life time looking at herself in the mirror; a man spends 6 months.
  • A woman speaks about 7,000 words a day; a man speaks about 2,000.
  • British men waste 6 million hours of driving each year (burning gas and polluting their environment) because they do not stop to ask for directions. 
  • Women are much more empathetic than men.
  • According to, women’s voices have many more frequencies than men’s, the human brain must work harder to analyze sound frequencies and comprehend the meaning intended.
  • There are many more hyperactive boys than there are hyperactive girls.
  • Men that are fat are happier than thin men. Fat women are not.

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